
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

On turning 22...

    On Saturday I turned 22...for the most part, I feel pretty neutral about the fact. At this stage in my life, not a lot changes just because my age does. Somehow the number 22 doesn't have quite the ring 21 did, but I guess I just like odd numbers the best! Not anything to sweat over! Whether 21 or 22, my goals are the same. Love God, love my husband, and learn to accept whatever God sends me as His plan for my life. I guess these will be my goals long past the age of 22! There are so many other things I want to learn and become too: to love people the way Jesus does, to have an unselfish servant's heart, to decorate my house in a way that's pleasing to the eye and the pocket book, to focus on pleasing God rather than impressing people. The list could go on for a few more pages, but I'll stop there! Anyway, God is very good, and I'm quite content with life at this ripe old age! :)
    Back to Saturday...
        We slept in. Or I thought we did, til I rolled over and saw this:

     Ok, so it was sleeping in, but not really sleeping in! :)
     Then, my handsome husband made me breakfast. (until the eggs got a little too involved, then I went to his rescue.) :)
 It was delicious!
     Then we ran errands here in town, where Tom bought me this nice sturdy camping chair to replace my tattered old one!
As well as a sweet card!
     After that, we met my family, and they treated us to lunch. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera, so from here on the events of the day are not captured on film, er, SD card. The lunch outing was enjoyable, but too short...I really need to get the family up here for a meal soon!
    After a bit more shopping, we finished out the day playing volleyball with a group friends. My family joined us for the evening there too. (That was supposed to be a surprise for me, but as my husband is finding out, secrets are hard to keep from me!)
   I should also mention that on my birthday one year ago, I said yes when Tom handed me a bouquet of roses and asked if I would marry him. What a sweet memory! If life keeps getting better the way that it has this past year, I have no problem with getting older! 

1 comment:

  1. happy belated birthday! I like your list of goals. I hate to tell you this at your ripe old age of 22, but that WAS REALLY sleeping in. :-) Enjoy!
